Enhancing your site could be tough since you need to improve your program code significantly to make your websites perform better. However, it is possible to improve your web site’s performance, without having to transform anything in the background. By using the Web Site Acceleration Tools, built–into the Control Panel, you could help your websites stream and perform quicker than ever. This is not going to only benefit your customers (everyone enjoys the website they’re viewing to open fast), but may also help your site get better rankings in search engines.

Working with the Web Site Acceleration Tools is generally very easy. Just log into the Control Panel and check out just how each website accelerator works.


RAM–caching instead of data–base requests

When you’ve got a database–dependent web site or web application, and if data–base queries have a tendency to lower the efficiency, this could be really irritating to the website visitors and the app consumers. Finding an answer can usually require a considerable amount of time. Nevertheless, within the WEBCIOCRACY Control Panel, you will find there’s a remedy for you.

Memcached is a simple, yet potent distributed memory caching system, that memorizes information and objects in the RAM. In this way, the database–stored information on your site will not need to be requested every time a website visitor loads the exact same web page.

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RAM–memorizing instead of HTTP queries

You can find many different solutions to increase the speed of a web site, but the majority of these need a programmer to edit the code. There are more easy–to–use solutions for increasing the rate of a site, such as the Varnish web accelerator tool included in our Control Panel.

Varnish represents an HTTP accelerator, which stores HTTP queries in the RAM and returns them to the viewer in place of expecting the server to return them. Tests prove that using Varnish on a website as well as a web app normally accelerates loading speeds with a factor of 300 – 1000x. Varnish may well also be configured how to handle newly arriving calls – whether they must be served by Varnish, by the hosting server, etc.

Hepsia File Manager


A good way to build adaptable apps

If you wish to set up an app, you need to have all the tools you’ll need available immediately, with no need to seek, assemble and set them up. WEBCIOCRACY’s Control Panel can help you save both time and expenses, by giving you the equipment you need right close to hand.

The Node.js platform allows developers, whether they’re pros or otherwise, to build scalable network applications and web sites. It is in line with the Google V8 JavaScript engine and also the libUV. Node.js takes advantage of an event–driven, non–blocking I/O pattern that makes it compact and also reliable, great for data–loaded live web applications operating across distributed devices.

Hepsia File Manager