In spite of the development of social networks and instant messaging, emails continue to be the popular way of interaction in business relationships. They're also employed by site visitors to contact the administrator or even for personal purposes if you need to save some information mailed by a friend for future use. The email service is much more than just exchanging messages - it has filters, forwarding, autoresponders, e-mail lists, and so on, therefore it would be handy if you are able to handle all these things easily and intuitively. A useful instrument that provides you instant access to numerous functions can save you time and it can make the control over your e-mail correspondence a pleasure, not a burden. In this way, you will be able to focus on the particular content of the e-mail messages, rather than wasting time to do minor system tasks through hidden menus.

Antivirus Protection Shared Hosting

The e-mail service, which is a part of our hosting plans, is handled through a feature-rich Email Manager instrument where you are able to access pretty much everything you will need in regard to your email accounts. The instrument is part of our in-house made Hepsia Control Panel and we have developed it with the objective to offer as many functions as possible by using a user-friendly interface. You are able to see all mailboxes that you have made listed in alphabetical order and with a glance you'll be able to see whether they're forwarded, whether they are catch-up or if they have functioning anti-spam protection. Setting up any of these functions requires just a couple of mouse-clicks. By right-clicking on a mailbox, you will be able to gain access to context menus with more advanced functions such as SPF protection. Your Email Manager also allows you to access the webmail or download auto-configuration files for widely used mail programs such as Microsoft Outlook and / or Apple Mail.

Antivirus Protection in Semi-dedicated Servers

When you use our semi-dedicated servers, you will be able to access any function related to your e-mails with no more than a few mouse-clicks. The Hepsia Control Panel, that is included with all our hosting accounts, will enable you to benefit from the feature-rich Email Manager instrument where you will be able to view and handle all your mailboxes - access the webmail, download auto-configuration files for Apple Mail or Outlook, set up a catch-all mailbox or activate anti-spam protection. For tech-savvy clients, there're options like SPF protection as well as e-mail lists, which are also a click away. With right-click context menus and instant access links, you will have complete control of everything in a single place and with a very intuitive interface. The aforementioned will save you plenty of time and it will make the management of your email accounts simple and easy.