When an existing domain name expires, it could still be renewed by the current owner for about sixty days after the expiration and even though it won't be active, it cannot be obtained by anyone else. When the domain is not renewed by that point, however, it enters a 5-day deletion time frame and then it's released to the general public. Throughout the deletion period everyone will be able to submit a backorder for the domain through an ICANN-licensed domain registrar and the company will use its registry channel in order to try to register the domain on behalf of the user the moment it is available. Since a lot of registrars can try to obtain a particular domain and names are acquired on first-come, first-serve basis, there is no warranty that using such an automated service will give you possession over it, still this is the easiest way to get an attractive domain as trying to register it manually almost certainly means that you will be too late.

Domain Backorder in Hosting

We offer a domain name backorder service with all our hosting plans and you'll be able to take advantage of it from the Hepsia Control Panel. To save you time, you will be able to arrange the list of domains which you see by extension, exact deletion date and length, so you won't need to go through thousands of domains to discover if an appropriate one shall be available soon enough. You can also search for a specific word or a phrase in the domain name list. If we are able to register the required domain for you, it'll be listed together with any other domain names which you have with us and you'll be able to take care of it just as easily. We offer this service at very competitive prices when compared with other registrars and in case we are not able to obtain a domain name for you, the money will be available in your account, so you'll be able to use it for other domains or web hosting services.

Domain Backorder in Semi-dedicated Servers

A domain backorder service is provided with all our semi-dedicated server packages and you can place an order for a particular name from the Hepsia web hosting Control Panel. The complete list of the domain names planned to be erased will be present in an individual section and you could browse all of them or filter your search with a few custom filters which we have added for instance a minimum and maximum length, a domain name extension and an exact expiration date. Through a search box, you can also check whether any expired domain contains a specific phrase you're interested in. The funds for any unsuccessful order will not be lost and will be present as a credit in your account since we cannot guarantee that we will be able to register each and every domain that you would like to have using our backorder registrar channel.

Domain Backorder in Dedicated Servers

We offer a backorder service for all our customers as a certified registrar and you can take full advantage of it via the billing Control Panel of your server. A couple of filters will make it easy to narrow the list of domains that you see because there are thousands of domain names being deleted on a daily basis. With a few mouse clicks you can choose what extensions to be shown, how long the domain names should be and when exactly they will be erased. Furthermore, you can select to see only names that contain dictionary words or a phrase of your choice, so you can easily discover any name that may interest you. Placing your order takes simply a mouse click and if we are able to register the wanted domain, you will be able to control it via the same Control Panel. Otherwise, your money won't be wasted and you will be able to use it for any other service - another domain or anything else linked to your dedicated server.