When you get a brand new website hosting account, your monthly payment is processed, the account is created and as automated as the entire process may seem, there're always small things that are executed personally. For a virtual or a dedicated server there are even more tasks to be done because these kinds of website hosting generally require a manual assembly, software installation and configuration, testing the server setting so as to guarantee that everything's working the way it should, etc. To cover the cost for the time and efforts all these things take, most companies collect a one-time installation fee to be paid by their customers in addition to the charge for the hosting. The fee often is valid for any new hosting account being obtained and it's very rarely listed on the company’s site, yet it would appear on your checkout page.

Setup Fee in Hosting

We never charge anything over the price of the hosting that you choose, so you will not need to pay any set-up charges or any other charges except for what you have already seen on our main page. We think that being honest with our customers is of crucial importance for creating a long-term business relationship, that's why we'll never expect you to pay hidden fees of any sort, particularly for something that's nearly entirely automated and usually takes several minutes to be completed by our system. You will not pay set-up charges even when you obtain numerous accounts plus they will all be fully active without delay, so you are able to begin working on your websites. The overall amount of money that you'll have to pay for any of our packages is the same that you see on the home page.

Setup Fee in Semi-dedicated Servers

When you buy a semi-dedicated server package from us, you will pay just the monthly charge that is already displayed on our site. Your account will be made on our servers and we'll activate it in a couple of minutes without additional charge. This will be valid for each monthly charge and regardless of the number of accounts that you buy. It is our principle that it's not reasonable to charge extra money for an action that we've almost fully automated, that's why you'll never find any setup charges or another obscured costs. Due to this fact, the fees which are on our main page, on the payment page as well as on your bank statement will be identical.

Setup Fee in Dedicated Servers

With a dedicated server bought from our company, you will never see any concealed charges and you will never have to pay any setup charges. The price of the plan you've selected is stated on our site and it is the sole price that you'll see on both the order and the payment pages. We consider that having a new customer and establishing a long-lasting relationship is more significant than getting some more dollars, that's why we will build the machine, install all of the required software and check it out completely cost-free. We will even transfer all your info totally free in case you already own a shared web hosting package through our company and you want to migrate to a dedicated server which is ordered with the Hepsia hosting Control Panel.